Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Making a Positive First Impression

By: Kandice Thorn

A few weeks ago, I wrote that your resume must make a positive impression on a viewer in about six seconds.  Similarly, when you meet someone in person you have a very short time in which to make a positive first impression.

A first impression is developed very quickly and takes an excruciatingly long time to change once it is formed.  Unfortunately, when you are networking or looking for a job, you don't have the luxury of taking the time to correct a negative impression - your first impression has to count.  The good news is that a positive first impression can stick just as well as a negative one.

Here are a few tips for making a positive first impression:

1.  Be on time.  In the U.S., this means a few minutes early.  Being prompt shows that you respect the other person's time.

2.  Smile.  A smile puts people at ease and makes them more comfortable.

3.  Use a firm handshake.  A firm handshake conveys confidence.  Practice with a friend!

4.  Be a good listener.  Listen attentively to others and contribute when you can.

5.   Pay attention to your body language.  Sitting up straight shows that you are mature and confident.  Crossing your arms across your chest may tell people that you are closed off.  Leaning forward shows that you are engaged.  Pay attention to these little nonverbal cues.

6.  Take pride in your appearance and dress appropriately for the setting.  With a bit of research you should be able to figure out the appropriate attire for any setting; and when it doubt dress up a bit (you can always say you just came from an important meeting!).

If you are worried that your nerves are getting the best of you, take a deep breath and smile.  Think positive thoughts and give yourself a silent pep talk.  Having a positive attitude can do wonders for the impression you make on others!

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