Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

By: Kandice Thorn

It's never too late to make a New Year's resolution, is it? With the new semester starting, it may be a good time to consider some career-related New Year's resolutions.

The best way make your New Year's resolutions stick is to make your resolutions doable--small steps that will lead you to your ultimate goal, rather than lofty objectives that leave you wondering where to begin. Below we have taken some New Year's resolutions that don't work and reformulated them into achievable resolutions you can start doing today.

Hopefully the resolutions below will inspire you to create your own achievable resolutions.

Doomed Resolution #1: Do more networking.  

Achievable Resolution: Find and participate in four events or meetings designed to expand your professional network each month. These can be bar association events or meetings, informational interviews, or even joining a new social or recreational group.

Doomed Resolution #2: Improve my English.

Achievable Resolution: Join an English conversation group and participate every week (or find an English-speaking partner who wants to practice your language and do an exchange).

Doomed Resolution #3: Find a job.

Achievable Resolution: Find and apply to three new jobs each week, making sure your cover letter and resume are well-suited to each position for which you apply. Spend one afternoon every two weeks following up on applications you have submitted.

Doomed Resolution #4: Be more efficient.

Achievable Resolution: Use a project management program like Asana (free at to manage your "to do" list. Update the list every day to keep on top of your assignments and other tasks. Enter deadlines for yourself that are career-related (e.g., submit resume for review by X date, have resume finalized by X date, research jobs in International Arbitration by X date, etc.).

Happy New Year!

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