Monday, April 15, 2013

Finals Versus Networking

By: Kandice Thorn

Anyone who has ever met with me for career advising (and anyone who reads this blog) knows that my #1 piece of career advice is to build your professional network.  Network in your professional life!  Network in your personal life!  Network in your sleep!  Never stop networking!

Apparently, I have been successful in getting this message across, because several students have come to me recently to ask a very reasonable question: How can I network and study for finals at the same time?

The answer is that you don't have to.  While I feel strongly that networking should be done "early and often," I am also a believer in balance.  When things on the studying front are less intense, you can focus a bit more on networking.  When finals approach, networking can take a back seat to more pressing matters.  It's a matter of prioritizing given your current commitments.  It is perfectly reasonable to take a break from networking while you are in the throws of finals.  Remember, grades (and thus, finals) are important to your job search too!

Be careful, however, not to let yourself get into a habit of not networking.  When the situation changes (i.e., finals are over), make a point of re-prioritizing.  What is a reasonable percentage of your time that can be allocated to networking versus the other activities in your life?

Life is a constant balancing act--family, school, work, friends, professional development, etc.--and it is important to continually reassess whether you are allocating your time efficiently.  So, if your networking has fallen behind during finals, give yourself a break.  In time, your priorities will change and you'll pick right back up where you left off.

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